About NIC :
NIC is hiring candidates for the post of Scientific & Technical Posts ( Scientist / Scientific Officer / Engineer / Technical Assistant )
Eligibility Criteria:
Scientist-‘B’ : A Pass in Bachelor Degree in Engineering OR Bachelor in Technology OR Department of Electronics and Accreditation of Computer Courses B-level OR Associate Member of Institute of Engineers OR Graduate Institute of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers OR Master Degree in Science (MSc) OR Master Degree in Computer Application OR Master Degree in Engineering /Technology (ME /M.Tech) OR Master Degree in Philosophy (M Phil) in the following streams : Electronics, Electronics and Communication, Computer Sciences, Communication, Computer and Networking Security, Computer Application, Software System, Information Technology, Information Technology Management, Informatics, Computer Management, Cyber law, Electronics and Instrumentation.
Scientific Officer/Engineer – SB & Scientific/Technical Assistant – ‘A’ : A Pass in M.Sc. /MS/MCA/B.E./B.Tech in any one or in combination of the following streams : Electronics, Electronics and Communication, Electronics & telecommunications, Computer Sciences, Computer and Networking Security, Software System, Information Technology, Informatics .
Qualification: B.E/B.Tech/ME/M.Tech/M.Phil/M.Sc/MS/MCA
Salary :
Scientist-‘B’ : Rs. 56,100- Rs.1,77,500/-
Scientific Officer/Engineer – SB : Rs. 44,900- Rs.1,42,400/-
Scientific/Technical Assistant – ‘A’ : Rs. 35,400- Rs.1,12,400/-
Selection Process:
The selection process includes Written Examination / Interview.
Selection will be done through a written examination and interview for Scientist „B‟ and Scientific Officer / Engineer-SB Posts and only through written examination for Scientific/Technical Assistant – „A‟ Post.
The written examination will be in ONLINE mode and the question paper would consist of 120 nos. of Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) to be answered in a maximum time of 3 hours.
The medium of written examination shall be in English only.
The question paper will consists of 65% questions from Technical Area and 35% questions from Generic Area.
Every question will carry 1 (one) mark and there will be negative marking of 0.25 mark for each wrong answer.
For Scientist-B & Scientific Officer/Engineer-SB :
Only the shortlisted candidates (based on merit position and reservation policy etc.), who have qualified the written examination shall be called for interview.
The final selection of eligible candidates for appointment will be based on the combined performance of the candidates both in the written examination and in interview.
The weight-age of marks for written examination and interview will be in the ratio 85:15.
It is mandatory to appear in the interview for selection.
Shortlisted candidates shall be intimated about the date and venue through SMS/e-mail communications to the registered email ID/Mobile phone by NIELIT.
Interviews shall be conducted at Delhi or at any other location /mode approved by competent authority.
For Scientific/Technical Assistant-A : The final selection of eligible candidates for appointment will be based on the merit position (based on the reservation policy) arrived from the performance of the candidates in the written examination.
Application Fees :
For SC/ST/ PWD/ Women candidates : NIL
For General and all others : Rs.800/- per application per post (including taxes)